
Best Non-Surgical Ways To Treat Heart Blockages In Pune

  When it comes to our hearts, blockages can be a big worry. In the past, surgeries were often the main solution, but now, we have some exciting non-surgical options. In this blog, we’ll address all your questions about what is the best treatment for heart blockage, explore new methods that can help you fix your heart without going under the knife.  We’ll take a look at EECP therapy ,  which is like a workout for your heart, and we’ll also talk about non-invasive tests that can give you a clearer picture of your heart’s health. Discovering Heart Blockage Treatment without Surgery When it comes to heart blockages, things are changing. In the past, surgery was the main option, but now, there are new ways to tackle this problem that does not involve going under the knife. Let’s explore two  exciting non-surgical  options: 1. EECP Therapy: A Workout for Your Heart EECP therapy is a bit like a workout for your heart and the best heart blockage treatment without surgery. It’s a non-surgical

Diabetes And Heart Disease

   If you are diabetic, chances are like heart disease loves to play on your favor BIG TIME!! Reason? Read the full article to get a clear picture of what all is happening in the life of a long-time diabetic, facing the progression of health issues, particularly the development of severe heart problems. And, most importantly, don’t panic! We have got you covered with a whole new reversal approach to heart health for achieving a diabetic-free life, curated by the most acclaimed cardiologist and  lifestyle coach, Dr. Jyotsna Patil. The Link Between Diabetes & Heart Disease: Having diabetes makes you more likely to have heart problems or coronary artery disease or cardiovascular disease (CVD). These can cause heart attacks and strokes. Plus, these  heart issues can make other diabetes problems,  like trouble with your vision and your feet (known as diabetic foot), even worse. Furthermore, cardiovascular disease negatively impacts blood circulation, worsening other diabetes-related con

Reviving Your Heart: Best Non-Surgical Ways To Treat Heart Blockages - Punechelation

  When it comes to our hearts, blockages can be a big worry. In the past, surgeries were often the main solution, but now, we have some exciting non-surgical options. In this blog, we’ll address all your questions about what is the best treatment for heart blockage, explore new methods that can help you fix your heart without going under the knife.   We’ll take a look at EECP therapy , which is like a workout for your heart, and we’ll also talk about non-invasive tests that can give you a clearer picture of your heart’s health. Discovering Heart Blockage Treatment without Surgery When it comes to heart blockages, things are changing. In the past, surgery was the main option, but now, there are new ways to tackle this problem that does not involve going under the knife. Let’s explore two  exciting non-surgical  options: 1. EECP Therapy: A Workout for Your Heart EECP therapy is a bit like a workout for your heart and the best heart blockage treatment without surgery. It’s a non-surgical

Heart Failure Treatment In Pune

  Our cultural beliefs teach us to spend more time nurturing our kids, so they spend more time nurturing us in old age. But I’d rather modify this belief to say that one should spend more time nurturing their body so that it nurtures your wellbeing in old age. From the moment we become self-aware and sensible of our surroundings, we start setting our materialistic goals. Starting with an A-grade degree, to a high-paying job, to a loving spouse, to a spacious house, to kids, and other expensive accessories, we spend our adulthood rushing through time. Until one day, an unforeseen pain in the left hand, or back, or the jaw, sets in and turns out to be a heart attack. The primary reason one suffers from a  cardiovascular disorder  is the stiffening of the arteries to the heart. Here, we’ll discuss some factors which are the leading reasons behind this problem, followed by some guidelines that’ll help you prevent such problems in the long run. Primary Causes Of Stiffness In The Arteries: C

Experience the healing power of infrared IR sauna at Poona preventive cardiology center

  The importance of maintaining good health is at its peak as a shield against the growing hectic lifestyle. Innovation is taking center stage in the health sector to address the distinctive challenges introduced to mankind every day. Infrared (IR) Sauna is one such innovation which harnesses the power of infrared rays to offer multiple health benefits. The rays deeply penetrate the skin and provide optimum relief in managing stress levels, enhance skin texture, cardiovascular health, and restful sleep cycles. But this is just the beginning. Let’s understand the whole range of health benefits offered by the Infrared Sauna and why it is an excellent addition at the Poona Preventive Cardiology Center. Health Benefits of Infrared (IR) Sauna     I mproved Sleep & Stress Reduction:   As mentioned earlier, IR Sauna can significantly reduce stress and contribute to a healthy sleep pattern. Its soothing warm environment stimulates the body’s relaxing elements thereby providing an outlet fo

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) – Why is it getting popular in India

  Our body has an incredible way to heal independently, given the right nourishment and time. However, certain impairing like air bubble in the blood,  severe infections, or surgical wounds and scars don’t heal by themselves at times, and the body might need external help. In such cases, HBOT can aid immensely. HBOT stands for  Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy . This process requires the patient to breathe 100% oxygen in a special atmospheric pressurized chamber. Inhaling pressurized oxygen enables the oxygen to get dissolved in the blood plasma, which takes the oxygen level in the blood to four times than normal. Why would you breathe so much concentrated oxygen? Generally, the air that we intake has only 21% of oxygen. Therefore, increasing the level of oxygen intake not only has immediate short-term benefits but is also beneficial for the long term. The process results in innumerable advantages to the body, generating energy and suppressing upcoming inflammation in the body. HBOT is majorl

Natural bypass a new life-saving treatment for cardiac patients

  With more people having changed lifestyles to dedicate significant amounts of time to work and other responsibilities, they often forget the importance of their health. Unfortunately, this has led to an exponential rise in Cardiovascular complications among the middle-aged population over the past decade, with younger populations also starting to show steeper increases. The reason young people are more likely to develop heart problems is not only health conditions such as stress and strain, but also pollution, smoking, poor eating habits, and sleeping patterns. This has played a greater role in even younger Indians developing more congestive heart failures. What is Natural Bypass & how does it help? Natural Bypass  or  External Counter Pulsation  is a medical process in which blood vessels are opened instead of being pinched with wires or stents so that the body can re-grow new blood vessels. It is a procedure approved in most countries as it has proven to benefit heart patients