Looking for some ways of heart treatment without surgery? Here are a few of them

 Looking for some ways of heart treatment without surgery?

We may encounter several diseases in a lifetime, but anything related to our hearts makes us worried and anxious.

We all want to enjoy a healthy heart that happily beats 60 to 100 times a minute! Unfortunately, age, our lifestyle, or some traumatic incidents may slow down the functioning of our heart condition, and heart diseases become unavoidable instances. However, medical science has reached a new zenith and has invented some revolutionary non-surgical ways of treating these diseases.

Coronary artery disease (CAD), arrhythmia, heart valve disease, and heart failure are a few types of heart diseases that we usually hear about.

This article will majorly focus on Coronary Artery (Heart Blockage) disease and some of the newest techniques to overcome this acute heart condition.

What is Heart Blockage?

Our heartbeat is controlled by electric signals coming from the sinoatrial node, located at the top of the right atrium. Traveling through the atria, the signal reaches the atrioventricular node, indicating the heart to contract and pump the blood. But heart blockage occurs when this signal is delayed or sporadic for some reason. For example, the arteries may get clogged due to a mixture of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products, calcium, or fibrin. This mixture is called plaque.

Initially, partially-clogged arteries may cause chest pain (angina), shortness of breath, or other coronary symptoms. However, completely blocked artery results may result in a heart attack.

So, do we have a way out for heart blockage treatment without surgery?

Yes, with the current medical technologies, we certainly do! Here are some of the ways:

Drug remedy

Although this might not be a new technique for heart treatment without surgery, is probably the most trusted way. Critical conditions like artery hardening or high blood pressure can be substantially controlled by medication. Injecting thrombolytic medications intravenously can help dissolve blood clots, significantly treating heart attacks.

The Balloon Angioplasty way

Balloon Angioplasty comes as a rescue for people with clogged coronary arteries. It is a non-surgical procedure where a balloon-tipped catheter is threaded to the site of the narrowed artery. The balloon is then inflated to open up the blocked vessels.

The Stent way

Stenting is generally done in combination with the Angioplasty procedure. The process involves the placement of a small wire mesh tube (Stent). This drug-eluted wire stimulates the artery to open up and reduces its chances of clogging again in the future. If a heart patient’s medical condition allows, then it is perhaps one of the best ways for heart blockage treatment without surgery.

The ESMR method

Extracorporeal Shockwave Myocardial Revascularization therapy (ESMR) is a non-invasive treatment that uses shockwaves to improve myocardial perfusion and reduce symptoms of myocardial ischemia (SW).

ESMR therapy is effective in most patients with CAD and heart failure. The method is primarily associated with increased angiogenesis and decreased inflammation markers.

Nevertheless, all the above ways are conventional methods and are undoubtedly being opted by several people to treat their heart diseases.

But did you know about Chelation Therapy for treating heart disease?

It is a relatively new technique to treat heart blockage without surgery, and Poona Preventive Cardiology Center (PPCC) specializes in the same. PPCC is the safest clinic for clinically approved non-surgical treatments for cardiovascular diseases having a proven track record of successfully treating heart diseases with Chelation Therapy.

Chelation Therapy for heart disease – What is it?

Chelation Therapy is a process used to remove metal particles like mercury or lead from the blood, which could prove toxic to the body. It involves the usage of some common chelators like ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), dimercaptosuccinic acid, and dimercaprol.

Although Chelation Therapy originally came into usage to treat heavy metal poisoning. But with various research studies over time, experts now claim that it is useful for treating heart diseases as well.

What happens in Chelation Therapy?

The chelating medicine or the chemical composition is introduced into the body through an intravenous (IV) tube. The chelators get attached to the metal molecules in the bloodstream. Thereafter, the chemical mixture flushes out of the body via urine, carrying the harmful metal substances along.

EDTA is capable of removing lead, iron, copper, and calcium from the blood. Besides, this chelating agent is also available in pill form.

Though, here in this article, we are discussing how chelation therapy’s side of heart treatment without surgery, it can also be helpful in treating:

  • Autism
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Peripheral artery disease

Why should you consider Chelation Therapy for heart disease?

Chelation therapy is known for its element in treating atherosclerosis. Because calcium deposits are found in artery-clogging plaques, it is believed that removing calcium deposits with chelation therapy can restore healthy blood flow in the arteries.

Experts even believe that EDTA can act as an antioxidant and protect against the harmful effects of chronic inflammation. Furthermore, Chelation therapy is also used to treat osteoarthritis and other inflammatory conditions.

Pieces of evidence that reassure your trust in Chelation Therapy

As a new technique to treat heart blockage, chelation therapy has enough evidence proving that it is a highly effective method for treating blocked coronary arteries.

  • Researchers assessed the effectiveness and safety of EDTA-based chelation therapy for those who had a heart attack in one of the most notable research studies in the history of chelation therapy. This came to be known as the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT).
  • TACT enrolled 1,708 people and took ten years to complete. It discovered that chelation therapy might reduce the risk of issues like stroke and hospitalization for angina.
  • In addition, Over 5 years, people with diabetes had a 41 percent overall reduction in the risk of any cardiovascular event. Also, there was observed a 40% reduction in the risk of death from heart disease, nonfatal stroke, or nonfatal heart attack; a 52 percent reduction in recurrent heart attacks; and a 43 percent reduction in death from any cause.

Benefits of Chelation Therapy in a nutshell

  • Detoxifies the entire body by removing heavy metal pollutants from the body.
  • Reduces the occurrence of chest pain/discomfort
  • Enhances exercise tolerance
  • Improves breathing ability
  • Reduces the need for medications
  • Boosts energy levels
  • Memory enhancement improves cognitive abilities
  • Reduces tiredness and fatigue

What should you consider before booking a Chelation Therapy session?

Make sure that the person carrying out the therapy is a licensed physician. Since heart chelation is not a conventional topic, it is not taught in medical institutes. It is only performed by naturopathic doctors or medical professionals who have acquired specialized training for the same.

Poona Preventive Cardiology Center has a dedicated team of professionals who provide comprehensive Artery Clearance Therapy using a tailored combination of medications. So, contact PPCC today to know more about this unique way of heart treatment without surgery.

Other lighter ways to dodge heart disease

Lifestyle modulation

A well-disciplined lifestyle is always advisable for a healthy heart. The habits that help cure a diseased heart can also prevent those heart diseases from arising. To practice a diligent way of life, you can try doing the following:

  • Regularly exercise to remain physically active
  • Quit smoking
  • Eat healthily; avoid a fatty or cholesterol-concentrated diet.
  • Keep a tab on your weight
  • Avoid excessive stress
  • If diabetic, have control of your diet and ensure routine check-ups.
  • Keep a check on your blood pressure

All in all, you must make sure that you rehabilitate yourself to a healthful lifestyle that is nourishing and beneficial in the long run. These habits will not only clear your clogged heart arteries but also aid in keeping them free from plaque.



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