Natural bypass a new life-saving treatment for cardiac patients

 Natural bypass a new life-saving treatment for cardiac patients

With more people having changed lifestyles to dedicate significant amounts of time to work and other responsibilities, they often forget the importance of their health. Unfortunately, this has led to an exponential rise in Cardiovascular complications among the middle-aged population over the past decade, with younger populations also starting to show steeper increases.

The reason young people are more likely to develop heart problems is not only health conditions such as stress and strain, but also pollution, smoking, poor eating habits, and sleeping patterns. This has played a greater role in even younger Indians developing more congestive heart failures.

What is Natural Bypass & how does it help?

Natural Bypass or External Counter Pulsation is a medical process in which blood vessels are opened instead of being pinched with wires or stents so that the body can re-grow new blood vessels. It is a procedure approved in most countries as it has proven to benefit heart patients with blockages. Patients can walk longer distances faster and have fewer episodes of pain in their chest when they undergo this therapy. 

In addition, most people need less pain medication when they have received this treatment.

Occasionally the bypass procedure fails to solve a patient’s symptoms and may lead to further complications. External Counter Pulsation is helpful when looking for long-term sympathetic nerve stimulation or blood flow if a patient is merely looking for temporary relief from certain symptoms.

Who can benefit from Natural Bypass?

The early diagnosis of heart ailments could help save many lives, and these are the people who can be benefited from Natural Bypass:

• People who experience chest pain already have major heart disease.

• people who have a family history of heart disease.

• Patients who are not suitable for bypass and angioplasty.

• Patients who are having a recurrence of symptoms after angioplasty or bypass.

• Those who don’t agree to surgery due to personal beliefs.

• patients with some diseases are not responsive to angioplasty


The Indian population suffers from a staggering total of over 1.7 crore annual deaths from cardiovascular causes. Over 3.2 crore people suffer from cardiac ailments, with most Indians facing untreatable cases with shortened lifespans. Just 1.5 lacs undergo bypass surgeries each year.

Over 85% of heart problems can be cured by ignoring treatments like angioplasty or bypass surgery. With alternative therapies using Heart block natural treatment, the condition can be avoided.

In this article, we have learned that various non –Surgical heart treatments work out better than surgical treatment sometimes. So consider your options, consult your doctor and choose what is best for your health and heart.


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