Why Do More People Get Heart Attacks In Winter?
A heart attack, also referred to as a myocardial infarction, happens when something blocks the blood vessels, typically a blood clot, abruptly cutting off blood flow to the heart. Doctors regard heart attacks as an emergency because they deprive the body of oxygen and can result in abrupt death. Therefore, if someone is exhibiting heart attack symptoms, they should get emergency medical help. As cold weather affects cardiac and circulation functioning, it puts more stress on the heart. The cold weather increases the chances of heart attacks in people with cardiovascular issues. As a result, it is usual for more serious heart problems to manifest themselves during the winter and cold snaps. Why are heart attacks more common in winter? The cold impacts your heart in several different ways. A cold environment causes physical alterations in your circulatory system. Additionally, you could be less active throughout the winter since you prefer to stay indoors to unwind and be wa...
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